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Mobile Terms of Service

Mobile Terms of Service for SMS


Welcome to our SMS service! Before you proceed with opting into our SMS program, please carefully review the following terms and conditions regarding privacy policies and data handling.


1. Importance of Privacy Policies for SMS


Before enrolling in our SMS marketing program, it is imperative that you update your privacy policy to incorporate pertinent information regarding SMS sending. This is especially crucial if you intend to apply for a short code, as certain information within your privacy policy is required for consideration and approval.


2. SMS Privacy Policy Best Practices


As a fundamental practice, your privacy policy should offer a precise description of our SMS program and detail how data will be managed in connection with it. We highly recommend including information regarding the collection, usage, and sharing of phone numbers obtained through our program. Additionally, your privacy policy should be easily accessible from the opt-in method, such as a signup form.


3. SMS Abandoned Cart Disclosure


Our privacy policy explicitly states the mechanisms by which information is gathered from the website to ascertain when a customer's cart has been abandoned, including the use of website cookies and plugins. If SMS is utilized for abandoned cart notifications, our privacy policy includes a disclosure to this effect. For instance: "The website employs cookies to track items added to your shopping cart, including instances of cart abandonment. This information is utilized to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS."


4. Third-Party Data Sharing


If our privacy policy addresses data sharing or selling to nonaffiliated third parties, rest assured that customer data will not be shared with third parties for marketing purposes. It's important to note that "third parties" do not encompass subsidiaries, affiliates, or service providers acting on behalf of the customer. Express consent is mandatory for SMS participation; therefore, sharing data for marketing purposes is strictly prohibited. Our privacy policy expressly states that data sharing excludes SMS opt-in data and consent. For instance: "The aforementioned excludes text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties."


5. Location Tracking and Location-Based Services


If our privacy policy references location tracking or location-based services, it comprehensively outlines how such data is collected and for what purpose it is utilized.


By opting into our SMS program, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions regarding privacy policies and data handling. Thank you for choosing our SMS service!

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